About Chelsee

It's lovely to meet you

Hi, I'm Chelsee! I'm so glad you're here and I hope we can work together! I can't remember a time when I didn't have a camera of some sort in my hand. I've always loved disposable film cameras and even the anticipation and waiting to pick up the prints. My love for photography started young and I carried that love with me through yearbook in middle school, high school, college, and into motherhood. There's not much I love more than Jesus, my family, wildflowers, collecting "treasures" and going on adventures. No matter where my wanderlust calls, I'm always on the lookout for dreamy light and breathtaking locations. It's no secret that my favorite subjects are of course my beautiful girls and my cute husband when he lets me! 

As a mother, I know the importance of capturing these precious times. My approach is pure, simple, and bright to give you timeless images you and your family will cherish forever. I believe that love is powerful and contagious and that every family has a unique story to share. As a family and portrait photographer, there's nothing I love capturing more than these incredible moments. My dream is to achieve your vision and deliver photos that you will treasure forever. Above all, my hope is for you to fall head over heels in love with your photos, and that they will forever remind you of the blessing of families.

Lovely to meet you

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